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9 Hormones That Lead to Weight Gain and Ways to Avoid It

Read Popular Posts Top Searched healthy diet program, over 40 nutrition, stay healthy, common nutrition, and Can Fiber Pills Cause Weight Loss, 9 Hormones That Lead to Weight Gain and Ways to Avoid It.

How to Lose Weight without Workouts. You might think the only reason why you gain weight is overeating, but in fact it can also be the result of your hormones being all out of whack. Triggers like stress, age, genes, and poor lifestyle choices can cause a hormonal imbalance that leads to weight problems. To get the perfect body and keep it slim and slender, you have to follow our simple tips and keep 9 hormones under control.

Thyroid hormones 0:45
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck. It produces the hormones T3, T4, and calcitonin, which are responsible for maintaining the body’s metabolism. If the thyroid doesn’t produce enough of these hormones, a condition called hypothyroidism, the result is often weight gain. To keep it under control, consume iodized salt (or seaweed if you’re on a low-salt diet). Avoid processed foods. Take vitamin D supplements. Consume foods rich in zinc like oysters and pumpkin seeds.

Insulin 1:32
Overconsuming processed foods, unhealthy snacks, alcohol, or artificially sweetened drinks can cause the body to develop a resistance to insulin. This means that muscle cells won’t recognize glucose-bound insulin, so all that extra glucose remains in the bloodstream where it doesn’t belong. This causes a spike in blood sugar levels, leading to weight gain and Type 2 diabetes. To avoid it, consume lots of leafy greens and seasonal fruits and veggies. Eat foods full of omega-3 fatty acids. Drink at least a gallon of water every day. Exercise a minimum of 4 hours a week.

Testosterone 3:45
Testosterone is often considered a strictly male hormone, but it’s produced in women too. It helps burn fat, strengthen the bones and muscles, and improve the libido. Age and high stress can cause a significant decrease in testosterone levels in women, leading to a loss of bone density and muscle mass. Work-out regularly and focus on muscle-building exercises. It helps boost testosterone levels. Avoid alcohol. Take protein supplements. Get enough fiber in your diet with the help of whole-grain foods, pumpkin seeds, and flaxseed.

Leptin 6:39
Leptin is a hormone that keeps the body’s energy levels balanced by keeping hunger at bay. But when we eat food rich in sugar, the oversupply of fructose gets converted to fat that gets deposited in the liver, belly, and other regions of the body. It’s these very fat cells that secrete leptin. With high leptin levels, the brain stops receiving signals that the body doesn’t need to eat at a particular moment. Avoid sugary foods. Have no more than 3 servings of fruit per day. Consume dark green leafy veggies. Avoid processed food.


Thyroid hormones 0:45
Insulin 1:32
Cortisol 2:39
Testosterone 3:45
Progesterone 4:40
Estrogen 5:33
Leptin 6:39
Ghrelin 7:42
Melatonin 8:12
To sum it up 9:05

-If the thyroid doesn’t produce enough of hormones T3, T4, and calcitonin, a condition called hypothyroidism, the result is often weight gain.
-Insulin is basically responsible for maintaining glucose levels in the blood. Overconsuming processed foods, unhealthy snacks, alcohol, or artificially sweetened drinks can cause the body to develop a resistance to insulin.
-The primary function of cortisol is to decrease stress levels by increasing blood sugar levels, among other things. Too much cortisol makes the body store more fat.
-Age and high stress can cause a significant decrease in testosterone levels in women, leading to a loss of bone density and muscle mass.
-Progesterone secretion can drop due to a variety of factors. This can result in weight gain and sagging skin.
-When estrogen levels go up, the cells that produce insulin get stressed. This makes you resistant to insulin, which causes a rise in blood glucose levels and leads to weight gain.
-When leptin levels go up, the brain stops receiving signals that the body doesn’t need to eat at a particular moment.
-Ghrelin stimulates the appetite and increases fat deposition.
-Melatonin is a hormone that regulates your natural sleep-wake cycle. If we don’t get proper sleep, this healing process gets disrupted, which causes stress and ultimately leads to inflammation-induced weight gain.
-Getting enough sleep, keeping a nutritionally balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, getting at least some physical exercise, and avoiding or limiting stress will keep your hormones under control.

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Nutrition And Weight Loss – Keys To Optimum Health

Though they contain a high fat content, the fat can be considered “good fat” because it is unsaturated. Because you’re tearing down muscle tissue but not getting the right nutrition to build those muscles up.

Proper Dog Nutrition Comes From Combination Of Great Food And Nutrition Supplements

While these foods, or others to be named later, do have health benefits, they generally have a down side too. Commit yourself to staying healthy now and for the rest of your life! You want to start a business, you first write a business plan.

Are you following a diet? If you are battling fat for control of your body, or even if you just want to eat a healthy diet and feel better, then you need to know a bit more about healthy diet recipes. What should these recipes offer you? How do you know if they are actually healthy or not? The first thing that you should do is throw away any preconceived notion that only major diet programs produce diet recipes – you can find any number of great options available.

Simply assuming that your food choices measure up to your standards of nutrition is a frequent mistake. Bread that is advertised to be seven-grain may not actually contain whole grain at all. Giving the labels a closer look is the best way to be sure that what you are eating is healthy, because advertisements often exaggerate or omit information.

When a person loses more than just fat, the body highly decreases in weight. If you are an individual who has no more fat to burn or lose, you should be very, very careful not to go overboard and lose more than just fat. People like anorexics suffering from anorexia often do not have fat left in their bodies to lose or burn, so they become thinner, and more fragile, until they die due to severe weight loss.

At the core of a healthy diet is making wise choices from the group of foods available in your area. Helping us in this matter, the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that each individual should follow a four-tiered food guide pyramid.

Dinner – If you think you don’t have time to cook a healthy, delicious dinner, think again. Gather all the ingredients to make a healthy stew the night before, and toss them into a slow cooker before heading off to work. By the time you get home, you’ll have a healthy, delicious dinner waiting to be eaten.

It is advisable to take at least 25 grams of fiber per day in order to achieve permanent weight loss. The most recommendable type of fiber is insoluble one. When using diet to achieve weight loss, it is advisable to avoid switching foods in a radical manner. This is something that should take place slowly. It is not wise to introduce your body with new foods suddenly. Take time to do this. You should start by slowly introducing small quantities as you increase the quantity. It is good to set you mind so that you adapt to the taste of the new foods.

All of these aspects of your general fitness, of course, can be broken down even more. It’s important to focus on each one of these and try to develop each of them. If you can do that, you’re well on your way to improving your overall fitness.

Many diets now a days are focusing on the ingredients and the chemistry of the food. These contain natural ingredients for example green tea, which help to reduce hunger. Everyone can lose weight, so long as they take the right steps.

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